For Earth Month, SSWI is starting a series called “Good News!” where we will share some positive environmental success stories from around the globe.

This week we are focusing on climate activism around the world.

What does it mean to be an activist?

An activist is someone who campaigns for some kind of social change. This can be done through strikes, sit-ins, demonstrations, etc. It can also be as simple as sharing your ideas and beliefs with friends, family, and neighbors. A climate activist is an activist fighting for change that would ultimately help slow the impact of climate change, remediate environmental damage, and protect the future of our planet.

Climate Strikes

This past September we saw what was likely the largest climate strike in history, which was inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg. More than 4 million people over 163 countries took part in this protest. The participants were demanding action be taken to address climate change.

This past month Earth Day 2020 was faced the challenge of Covid-19. Activists were unable to physically come together and strike so the movement went digital. Earth Day Live, a 3 day video stream, united and showcased the many diverse voices behind the climate movement. It featured varying content such as teach-ins, panels, performances, and most importantly calls to action.

Strikes like this along with other organized protests have helped bring the issue of climate change to light. Ultimately through individual action and policy change we can hope for change that will help heal our planet.

How can you help?

Become an activist! Stand up for what you believe in and make your voice heard.