SSWI produces over 50,000 tons of compost each year.

After your waste is fed through our digesters and the large inorganics are removed, it sits in windrows for 28 days. The resulting compost is screened to 1/4 inch minus. The inorganics that are screened out are then sent to the class IV landfill. Despite the issues that inorganics cause, SSWI produces Grade A, nutrient-dense compost.

Our compost is available free of charge to the public to spread on local farms, use for erosion control, enhance vegetation, or apply to topsoil mixtures. To see some example projects of our compost used, click Here. To inquire about receiving free compost or learning more about our compost, contact us at or (865) 453-5676.


Compost can be used to enhance vegetation and improve plant life.Learn More

Compost can be used to enhance vegetation and improve plant life.

Learn More

Compost can be used in a variety of applications to control erosion and sediment runoff.Learn More

Compost can be used in a variety of applications to control erosion and sediment runoff.

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